Chinese Striped Hamster
It is often referred to as a dwarf hamster, but it is actually classified as a rat - like a species and most resembles a mouse and its relatives such as the rabbit and the mouse.Chinese hamster has a longer and more prominent tail than other hamsters. They have long, thin bodies, especially compared to Syrian hamsters, but they also have simply longer tails. Chinese hamsters are excellent climbers who use their easily graspable tails as a tool, although they have little room in most conventional cages to demonstrate their tree-like abilities. Chinese hamsters will not form a close bond and will only come to the side of their enclosure if bees or other animals are found nearby or nearby. Chinese hamsters are dark brown and are sometimes mistaken for the Russian hamster. They have black stripes on the spines and on their belly is white, and they have a black stripe along the spines and a white stripe on the tip of the tail. Chinese hamsters can catch colds and other diseases from their human owners, so if you have a cold, cough or stomach complaint, don't touch your hamster until you feel better and wash your hands after changing food and water. Chinese hamsters have also been used as laboratory animals, replacing common mice and rats, which are easier to keep and breed. The common hamster species in North America are kept as pets by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFS).